Opportunity to obtain a Motorsport Australia bronze scrutineering certificate

16th January 2025
We are looking at assisting to help some motorsport enthusiasts with obtaining a bronze certificate as a Motorsport Australia Official


As discussed at the December club meeting, we are looking at assisting to help some motorsport enthusiasts with obtaining a bronze certificate as a Motorsport Australia Official.

This is a great way to give back to the club, learn something new, and meet new people, at the very least.

The roles at events with the certificate could range from:

  • (Sitting) at the tables to assist with sign in
  • Safety checks of vehicles before they go on track
  • Signing off log books
  • Apparel checks
  • More scrutineering at the event, including inspecting vehicles that have sustained damage during an event, and so much more.

Besides the last listed role above, all the other roles can be done up till the event starts, so you don't need to volunteer your time for the whole event, or you could even enter in the event as a competitor still!

Volunteering is a great way to get more involved in the sport and the club, and is rewarding.

If you are interested, please browse to the Motorsport Australia site (link below), choose "Enrol in a Face-to-Face Course", enter your details, and select the "Bronze Scrutineer" course..

Motorsport Australia will then coordinate a day of training for us.

No previous experience required, and anyone can apply (you don't need to be a club member, etc)

Looking forward to seeing many of you apply to help your club, and keep the start of our events a smooth experience, with lots of help.

Website: Motorsport Australia Training

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