Hillclimb at Sydney MasterBlast
By buying a ticket ($150) to this event, you will receive:
- 1x Sydney MasterBlast Hillclimb Competitor Entry
- 4x Sydney MasterBlast, for all day Saturday 9th September (worth $25 each!)
For more information before entering the event, please refer to the supplementary regulations of the event.
Also please see this page for more information see the Sydney MasterBlast website
For a map of the circuit, please see it here.
Further (draft) information about the event below that will be added to further supplementary regulations.
Overall Schedule of the event
5:00PM Check-In Opens
5:15PM - Drivers Briefing outside South Circuit (outside the South Circuit Administration Office)
5:15PM - Officials Briefing inside the Administration Office
6:00PM - Event start time
10:30PM - Event Finishes
10:30PM - Trophy Presentation
Competitors:- Can park on the marshalling area at the south circuit. Please be considerate of others.
Service Vehicles & Trailers :- All trailer and tender vehicle parking will be in the designated area opposite the Amaroo Building, as per a diagram to shortly be released.
PitCrew & Spectators :- As per the normal visitor parking of Sydney MasterBlast
There will be a volunteer ensuring only competition vehicles enter the south circuit marshalling area.
The bathrooms at the South Circuit garage will be available for use by competitors, pit crew and spectators.
The cafe near the south circuit will be open during the event for food and drink purchases from 5PM.
Drivers Briefing
All entrants must attend at 5:15PM. Please also ensure you sign the attendance record, to confirm you were there for it.
Each entrant will receive 4 tickets to the Sydney Masterblast for the entire Saturday 9th September. They have been emailed to each entrant.
Each official will also receive a ticket to the Sydney Masterblast for the entire Saturday 9th September. They will be emailed to each official by email before the event.
Please sign on by 5PM at the south circuit and make yourself known to the chief officials of your area for the event. Collect your dinner, radio, water and other items as required. Lifts to and from your flag point can be provided if required.
If you are interested in being part of the event as an official, please express your interest via the following link:
Multiplication Factors for engine capacity
The following apply.
Rotary Engines; Multiply displacement by 1.8
Forced Induction; Multiply displacement by 1.7
Forced Induction Rotary; Multiply displacement by 3.06
Race Numbers
We will be in touch if your race number submitted is the same as another competitor, with as much notice as possible, so you can arrange another one for the event.
Light beams will be used for timing. Dorians are not required. Mylaps Safety System devices will be required to be installed in each car.
Refund Policy
If you advise the race secretary that you are not able to make it up to 7 days prior to the event, a refund can be issued.
Warm up of tyres
The tyres can be warmed up on the Pit Exit road prior to getting on the track, as long as it is civilised.
Fire Extinguisher
Each vehicle will need to have a fire extinguisher to comply with Motorsport Australias Schedule A & B of the general requirements for Automobiles (as specified in the Motorsport Australia Manual)
Entries Close
Entries are now closed.
What is needed for sign on
Please refer to the supp regs and further supp regs of the event that have been emailed to each entrant.
All the documents relating to the event below
2023 Hillclimb Standing Regulations
The NSW Road Racing Club has been lucky enough to secure Suite 9 for the event. The club will have some basic catering in the room for members. NOTE: You will need ARDC membership or a WTAC ticket to enter the event, additionally to this ticket. ...
Come and join the committee and other club members for a catch up and to find out what the club is up to. ...