About Us
Welcome to NSW Road Racing Club. We are one of the oldest and still active motorsport clubs in NSW if not Australia. Our club has continued the original traditions of its predecessor the “Singer Car Club of Australia”, established in 1950.
The Grass Roots of Motorsport
Much has been lost in today’s world of motor sport with the all mighty dollar being the sole driving force. The traditions of clubs such as the NSW Road Racing Club continue to fuel the true motor sport enthusiast. As a “time machine” of sight and sound, the categories supported by clubs such as NSWRRC, recapture an era of motor sport when the cars were simple and the drivers were visible, or was that the drivers were simple and the cars were visible.
As modern racing grows ever more dependent on technology and more remote from its fans, the appeal of these categories of motor racing can only increase.
Club meetings
NSW Road Racing Club holds it club meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
Our meetings are held monthly, and their location is outlined in the monthly club newsletter.
Meetings start at 7.30pm (or 6.45pm if you would like to join in and have dinner with us.)
Zoom meeting details will be emailed out to members in the monthly newsletter.
Reason for Being
The purpose of the NSW Road Racing Club is to provide grass roots & club level motorsport for its members and like minded clubs. We offer benefits to our members and families through the promotion of the sporting, technical, social and educational aspects of motorsport
Our Values
Fun, Friendly, Ethical, Responsible
Our Vision
The vision of NSW Road Racing Club is to continually promote fun and enjoyable Grass Roots and Club Level Motorsport. Our club is welcoming, sharing, helpful and friendly. The Club strives to meet the needs of its membership while operating in a responsible, ethical and financially sustainable manner which is consistent with the values of the club. We always strive to satisfy our member’s social, sporting, technical and educational desires within motorsport by continually questioning whether the provision of services can be improved. The club’s capacity to provide benefits to the membership is realised by prudent and sustainable management exercised by member volunteers who continually seek excellence.
We organise fundraising to support our chosen charity.